Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An Ode to Colin

So last week I got a note from Colin's teacher that said I was invited to his school for an awards ceremony. I'm not gonna lie, I was stoked! I yelled across the parking lot to my friends in excitement, to which my friend replied " Why would Colin not get an award?". You see Colin is an academis. He loves to learn, and he picks things up after hearing it once or twice. So usually when people give me compliments on how smart Colin is I say "oh it's just who he is, or oh he gets it from his Dad", but the reality is that I play a huge part in his education, and his love of learning. From the time he was 2 or 3 we would sit down and do "homework" together. He would get out his little work book and his pencil and go to work. So now as a 7 year old I have the joy of seeing that manifested in him.

This morning I got up early, I did my hair and I put on make-up, and I made sure Colin was dressed in nice clothes, and we headed off to his assembly. I was so anxious to see what award he would get, there are only 3 per class. Finally his teacher was up, she announced the other awards, and finally she came to Colin. He recieved the Personal Success Award for Academic Achievement. I got a little misty eyed as i watched my little smarty pants accept his award. His teacher told us all that Colin had scored 100% on his standerdized testing, and those are some hard tests!!! I am so impressed with the learner that he is. I love it that he knows the importance of education, and that he should always try his hardest and do his best work, so for a moment I will not be modest or humble and i will admit that I did that! I taught him that ! I hope and pray that his zeal for learning strengthens as he grows. I want him to realize that with hard work he can do or be anything he wants!

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