Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good times!

This has been a pretty awesome month! To start it off my mom and nephew arrived for their annual summer visit. Every year for the last 3 summers they have come down for anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. This time it was 3 1/2 weeks. My mom has been going through Chemo for almost 6 months so it was great to have her here and just relaxing and enjoying our time. Just picking my Mom up at the airport was an adventure. She arrived the day before Connor's birthday so i had the genius idea to drive to LA on the way to get her (ok so it was 90 minutes past the airport) to get Connor some very special cupcakes that he could actually eat. ON the way there the boys and I did a bunch of shopping, but most of our time was spent getting lost in downtown Los Angeles. IT turned out fine and we got the cupcakes which Connor absolutely loved! IT was so great to see him chowing down on something even if just for the day. This came of the heals of some pretty frustrating news that his body was rejecting potatoes and we needed to start him on something else. The next 3 foods were pretty epic fails. His body did not like app;es, bananas, or quainoa (sp). His birthday was a lot of fun, we had a big party and although the pool ended up being closed because the water was too HOT, everyone still had a great time and Connor now has more toys then he knows what to do with :) We are so blessed witho so many people who love Connor! I will be doing 2 more posts in the next week because we literally jammed so much into July, and August will be just as busy. Bring on the business, it makes the time go so much faster!

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